Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IT Guys nightmare

This article is dedicated to all IT fellow around the world ....

Many times, IT guys (or girls - to all of you femi-nazi out there) are the "plumber", the "electrician", one that people in companies call to fix things - even though it's not a really IT-related issues (the sink in the pantry is broken - call the IT guys).  Hey, we are helpful people, and we will do it - if we can do it ...

There are lots of times where people from other departments regarded IT as "technicians" or "repair guy", and tried to dump their work to IT (any of you ever help your boss to transfer his contacts from old mobile phone to a new one ? or pull report from accounting system ? or create entire billing system from scratch ?).

In many companies, IT not even considered "that" important (usually IT is under Finance, or Operation). Now, IMHO - what do Finance people knows about IT - beside cutting the budget and say "NO" ?).

IT is not a necessity in many companies, until someone from Management says "OK, it's official - we need a dedicated repairman for this company ... "

A lot of times, when IT department proposes new system to help company works  - more efficient and effective - those are rejected ("we don't need it", "don't have the budget", "why use legal software if pirated one works", etc).  Some scenarios :
1) We need a good hardware (server, firewall, desktop, laptop, etc).
     Management says : nope, "create" servers from desktops, use Linux-based machine as firewall,
     etc.  Well, let me enlighten you :
     * Servers sold by vendors usually designed to be operating 24/7, 365 days a year - desktop are not.
        To force a desktop (no matter how good/expensive/high-end it is) to operate as server, it will
        not be as "heavy-duty" as real server.
     * Linux are good, but requires consistent checking, patching, testing, etc.  Moreover, a lot of times
        - traffic to update servers are heavy - or they just decided to take down the respective servers,
        making you unable to download the patch needed.  I am not defending Microsoft or Oracle in
        this case - but when it comes to patches, they are quite OK.
     * Regarding the importance of patching servers - read this article about Why 1,000 flights were grounded on August 2015.

2) Corporate dedicated email server needed. Why ? Read Hillary Clinton case.

3) We need good software and valid licensing. Boss said : use pirated one.  You tell him/her : Nope.
If you insisted, I need a black and white.

4) Good Service, i.e : good internet service provider with good quality (dedicated service, etc).  Boss said : this broadband service is CHEAP, and the speed is up to 100 Mbps.  READ THE FINE LINES, BOSS -
"up to ..." means : during non-peak  hours, it may or may not reach 100 Mbps, because it's best-case scenario.  Dedicated 10 Mbps is better than "up to 100 Mbps", because with a dedicated service, you are "guaranteed" 10 Mbps at any time (ALL THE TIME).

5) Backup, backup, and backup. Boss said : no need. You said : Fine, but if you lose your email,
    your excel sheet that you need to show the investor, etc - then don't blame me.

6) Why the Internet down - fine, IT guys will check it - it's our job.  But when no electricity and the computers/Internet is off and your boss come screaming - you tell them : This is why I recommend using UPS, you cheap b*****d (excuse the French).

If you need more tips, or encounter different thing with your boss, drop me an email (just to ask, or to share, etc.  Don't worry, the first email is free - just kidding ! )

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