Do you realize that when you started to write, it's very difficult to keep up with your promises to keep writing and updating your blog, because you will find so many reasons not to ?
I have tons of excuses that may have encountered to you as well, let me share with you :
* Busy with work, school, families, etc
* Something has come up (kids start to go to school, need to go to PTA meetings, etc)
* Something broken and need to be fixed (house, car, etc)
* Family is coming / visiting
* Family going on vacation
* Business trip
* etc
Basically, you will just need to discipline yourself with this new routine of your life called "Blog" and regularly writes. It can be something as interesting as "How To Troubleshoot Wireless Problem At Your Home" or as simple as "The Difficulty of Preparing Birthday Party for a 5-years old kid".
If you are still having problem, think of this blog like "Captain Log, Stardate xxx" from Star Trek, or those cool diaries from Doogie Howser (yeah, you are "the" Doogie Howser).
I set myself up now, to update this blog EVERY MONDAY - and I am planning to do so regularly.
Wish me luck.
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